Monday, June 23, 2008

Living Life

Since I know you are probably missing my humorous banter, I thought I would just check in and give an update. We've been busy living life. Like nearly losing it during a severe storm in the middle of an otherwise placid and enjoyable picnic Saturday. And nearly losing a finger while preparing dinner for friends and family Sunday. [I'm OK. I just shoved it all back together and carried on like a trooper. Truly. --- I think I was a trooper, anyhow :) ] Not to mention holding and snuggling with New Baby after New Daddy's grill exploded in his face and sent him to the ER Friday night (on their first night home...). Poor New Daddy. Fortunately, All the Fam (even Me) is safe and sound this Monday morning!!!

So today I'm checking things off my life list. You know. The one that says pay the medical bills. Call the window company to fix the windows. Order that free stamp set (WooHoo - LOVE just have to decide which one!!!). Get the mail. Wash the clothes. Real Exciting Life List. OK, really you probably don't want to know what my real list is.

But, it's Smart Start Monday. So that means I have to put together the worksheets, too. And then my kids can practice getting smarter during their summer vacation. So I'd better get going. I need more coffee.

~The Roost'er
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