Halloween festivities continued through the weekend as we enjoyed time at our church's Trunk or Treat and then Halloween Night itself! Perfect weather, fabulous costumes, and tons of candy made for a great time!
Sunday was busy, busy, busy with a tiling project in the laundry room Hubs took on for the weekend, but we finished in time to carve some pretty spectacular pumpkins. {Did you know there was
a pumpkin shortage this year? The kids told us all about it!} T adamantly carved his own without help from start to finish this year. He did such a great job, too! I was so proud of his diligence and attention to detail!
Pooks' pumpkin was spectacular (a wicked witch flying over rooftops to go along with her Elphaba costume) - and so was Meiners' [he chose a Ninja in honor of his costume this year :) ]. Mom and Dad helped to varying degrees there.
Then there was my sweet Sashi's pumpkin. I probably haven't shared her love affair with our animals much before, but let me go not a single word further in this blog without telling you that Sara's very, very, very best friends in the whole entire world are a cat named Benn and a dog named Obi. Man does she love those two furries. And they are terrific with her. Benn is 16 years old and, truthfully, is on his deathbed. But she drags him around and forces him onto her bed and into her tea parties and he puts up with it - even purring most of the time.
The photo quality is poor as I truly thought the next morning the cat wouldn't be with us due to declining health.
<3 Nine lives is accurate with this one. <3 |
As for the dog? She can play ball with him for hours. He lets her jump on him. They take walks together. Sure - I may be the one holding the leash, but there they are, out in front walking side by side. I'm just the tagalong with a leash. Sara tells the dog worldly secrets and wisdom about life the entire way around the block. It's stinkin' adorable, that's what it is. She sure loves these pets. Who would be surprised then to see her hommage to Benn the Cat in pumpkin form on Halloween?
Super cute.
We were off to Trunk or Treat Sunday and a hurried meal and costumes being thrown back on Halloween night on Monday. I was so looking forward to snapping amazing photos of the kids with spectacular sunset lighting but we just weren't quite finished eating dinner as the sun snuck below the trees. Instead we settled for a porch light - and then off they went!

We live in a quiet neighborhood where the closest kids live about two blocks away. Many of our neighbors are retired. Every year Carol drops off big treat bags full of candy and dollar coins for each of our kids before she heads out to their daughter's house to enjoy Trick or Treating with their own grandkids. Lil sends her grown daughter over with treat bags specially made for our kids - this year full of Hot Wheels, Halloween hairbows, snowglobes, and candy. Up the street the kids receive entire candy bars for their jokes. It's a pretty awesome place, and I know they have so much fun! Each year they venture a little farther around the circle of houses that make up our subdivision and return with more candy than ever.
After such an exciting evening and all that sugar, what better way to end all the parties and parades and festivities than back at home by a fire Dad built because the wind wasn't blowing ;) . And Mom toasted marshmallows for dessert! ;)
Home sweet Halloween home!