Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Traveling Tuesday

Traveling Tuesdays took a backseat recently but returned in full force today. Once the twins finished Cooking School in the morning, we headed out to adopt a bird! After careful deliberation, Meiners and Pookie chose to sponsor Lewis, the Bald Eagle who flies in the Cardinals pre-game shows. Seemed fitting.

We spent extra time checking out all the exhibits and even drove through Lone Elk Park to find Sashi some 'deers,' so our plans to visit Purina Farms were thwarted (closes at 3:30), Instead we headed to Meramec State Park.

From there, the infamous Jesse James Wax Museum (shoulda gotten pictures of the outside, too...)

Just goes to show we're always up for an adventure.
And I'm the luckiest mom in the world. (Love those kids!!!)
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