Tuesday, June 30, 2009
For example, my oldest. He may be older than his twin sister by one minute, but he's the oldest in every way. We went on a 'date' last night. He was a consummate gentleman. He held my hand. He sat up straight. He conversed. He thanked me for the evening. At least 272 more times today, even. He is truly a joy. He reads the Bible - every day. How many mornings have I looked at the clock and thought, "I should get up and give my first fruits to God. *snore*" I know. That's a very sad confession. But I don't sleep through the night and when I can get a few more winks, for right now, I do. I'm trying to change. It is on my list of things to change about my life. Believe me. My son? Every morning he wakes up and reads his Bible. He is seven. I could learn a lot from him. I do, actually.
Last week, my middle child was giving me some trouble. I don't mean to portray that he is a trouble maker or the younger brother, the one who likes to stir up the pot. I don't want to portray him in that manner because I want him to know that he is a really good kid. And I want him to act like it. Even though he's, you know, the middle child. But last week, WOW. Choice making was quite poor. I called my husband in tears after a trip to Michael's to buy beads for the Princess Party. As Pookie and I perused the bead section unawares, an employee from down the aisle and several more aisles away, actually, yelled, "Why are you hitting that baby?" My eyes darted up. She was looking our way. My head spun in the direction of her gaze behind me. Toward the cart where Sashi sat. And her big brother stood in the back of the cart. Behind her. Hand paused in mid-strike with her head as the obvious target of his attack. Humiliated, infuriated. I left in tears.
The next day, we were purchasing balloons for the party. But they weren't ready yet, so the kids and I waited in the floral department as the employees filled my order. The boys were shopping the musical cards - and sort of driving me crazy with the various bits of 50s and 80s music blaring in my ears from nearby. I sent them further into the store with their cards so I wouldn't have to hear quite so many songs blending disharmoniously. Sashi insisted on carrying around a GIANT yellow lab stuffed animal and spinning around in circles with it. I feared his tail would end the life of a beautiful display of glassware sitting near us. I was intent on catching the falling breakables. But when I heard that inevitable CRASH, it didn't originate near the tail of a stuffed dog. It came from the curiosity of a 5 year-old wanting to smell a candle and not realizing the top didn't attach to the bottom. A decorative candle that cost $20. Mortified, I insisted the store charge me. "Accidents happen," crooned the store clerk. I made no eye contact. I left as soon as the last molecules of helium hit the inside of that one remaining pink balloon. I quietly but fiercely verbalized all the horrors Meiners would soon experience as we headed to the van.
This week, while shopping at Target for some things for Pookie's room, I set my Icee Mocha on an opening on the shelf below the lamps. The first lamp in the top shelf display appeared slightly bent, so I nonchalantly set it aside and stuck my hand up towards the pristine second lamp. It tetered. The feathery shade toppled, striking a miniature dress horn that immediately fell towards my forgotten coffee cup. The cup splashed as it fell. It splashed onto the plastic cover of a shabby chic bedspread. It splashed onto an exposed pink chenille bedspread. It splashed onto the floor. Wonderfully chocolatey bits of melted iced coffee goodness spread all over the concrete and tile. Other items were hit with the cascading droplets. But I didn't see them. All I saw was a price tag. The shabby chic chenille bedspread? Cost $112.
I think a little bad luck, a sweet little boy, and a very big God taught me a valuable lesson.
Monday, June 29, 2009

i have so many favorites already - like the sassy prints from target there on the left side of the window. they don't scream tropical, but pookie agreed that the lines, look, the locations and colors in the pictures were her to a T, so she agreed, and we we put them right where they'll fit best. on the photo above, you can see her 'art wall' - glitzed up with traditional gallery black paint - old cork boards (and a couple new magnetized new ones, too) spray painted to display pookie's many creations. there's a skinny little frame on the bottom that is an old $ frame from walmart i've had for years and intended to do something with one day, but instead, we spray painted it with chalkboard paint for today. currently, pookie is proclaiming on it's sleekness that she loves her family. another night, she'll write something else in another chalk color. it's up to her. it's her room - and her art in that corner!
we'll share more as we shell out the $$, but i just couldn't wait!
c-ya later!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Just Because
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Cardinals Post Game
Cardinal Pre-Game
We also have a glittery one to grab Yadier Molina's attention for the chance to catch a ball from him! I think the kids are going to have the night of a lifetime with their dad!
edited to add: so far, there's a baseball and a t-shirt coming home after an 11-2 win over the Tigers! Can't wait to hear the stories in person and view the photos Dad shot with the kids!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Finding My Niche
Sometimes as I dream up blog ideas going about my day, I'll think: I should have a niche. (A more modern term for theme, no?) My general shtick has always been just to document my present. What was life like for Mom, in her 30's, four kids...Many, many times, I wish I had my mother's mothering memoirs. (I have her memory, but I need the quick reference addition - for all those times I can't find my dern cell phone, right Mom?)
Then I think, maybe I could be a food critic. I love to bake. I could make desserts and offer my two cents here on my blog once a week. But that's a lot of commitment. And a lot of sugar consumption. (As if I wouldn’t consume it regardless…)
I guess my dilemma is that I don't really have one thing I'm really, really good at. I dabble here and there. I take photographs. I paint. I stamp. I bake. I mother. I taxi. I ... I do a lot of different things. I don't have a niche. In life. And if that's the case, how do I find a niche on my blog??

All this to say ~ Do you have a blogging niche? How did you find it? Perhaps I've already found mine and I don't even know it??
Sunday, June 7, 2009
About a month ago, Meiners and I agreed to celebrate his 5th birthday with a BIG friend birthday party. As it goes, the twins have always sort of ended up with big birthday parties with their friends. In my defense, the first big party, when they were two, was really to celebrate living through two of the most difficult years of our lives. And then at three, four, five, and, well, OK, also 6, the kids were treated to trips to the Magic House, Bounce U, and other fun venues. I mean, there were two of them celebrating at the same time, so of course it would get huge. Right? Right?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
When did this happen?
And she decided she was a big girl who needed a room makeover, too. So, should I be surprised when she chose this for her room (zebra side out, of course...)?

So, we've been busy drawing up plans, like this:
In between doing things like this (school's been out over a week...):
And making things like this:
Aaah Summer. To everything there is a season.
(Hope you can see all the images! and thanks for checking in, Friends. I've been around, just not too talkative!)