OK, I can post my latest craft now cuz it's St. Nick's Day, and the gift has been delivered. Before St. Nick's Day, I wanted to post this craft, but that would have given away the gift. And a girl can't do that!
My friend K has four boys and a manly man husband. He's off to Australia for a business trip and K's running things back home at 'the bachelor pad,' as she calls it. So what's a mom of four to do for her friend who's a mom of four boys? Help chickify her Christmas tree for her, of course. But in a semi-masculine sort of way...

These are my Christmas version of the Halloween sillhouettes I made. I enjoyed being sneaky with my friend K's kids by snapping the four boys' profiles while Mom looked on (well, 3 of them - and Dad snapped a secret profile of the youngest for me! - Thanks, M!). I'd tell you how to make them, but Kimba's already done a fabulous job! Just one thing I might change that'll save you an extra step of cutting. After I'd done the mantel, I read a tip to just cut out the photo and paint the back of the photo paper black. I'll admit - I painted the front of the photo on one of my gifts just to make two boys face left and two boys face right. Worked just fine. And then I sprayed the whole block with a clear matte finishing spraypaint. I thought they looked great. And my friend gushed. I love that. Makes the whole process that much more rewarding! (Glad you liked 'em K. *mwah!*)
And here the kids are delivering the boys' cinnamon ornaments they'd made at the cookie party this week AND the gift for my friend...

I love it! Peekaboo!
Hey! They're here!

Yes, those kids ARE wearing shorts in 30 degree weather. All Boy.
Happy St. Nick's Day!