Isn't he handsome? And right at home there on my leather chair - I mean my husband's chair. Whatever. I made four of these - three for my honey's employees and one - the original - for a nondisclosed recipient. Now he's mine. All mine.
My other pride and joy is this little pillow. I came up with idea myself. By reading Martha Stewart. (Again, whatever.) And I bought the printer-fabric-paper-stuff myself and printed the photo and Nester'ed it up with stuff we had around the house and some fringe (the real Nester'ing). I love this pillow. I'm sure my mom will never notice if I steal it back and place it in my own home next to him (see above).
And this is a treasure. My husband did homemade Christmas this year, too. And he made me this:
It's my blog! All printed out - into TWO HUMONGOUS volumes! Forever! Ever since I started typing out these posts, I've said I would print it out one day. And he did. He printed the whole thing and then took it to Kinko's to have it bound for just a few bucks! For me. Love him.
So, there you have it. Just a little look into our Homemade Christmas!
More Christmas to come in days to come...!