Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lenten List

Happy Lenting, Y'all.

Here's my list, with God's help, and to Him be the glory...
  • no eating out (read: no Bread Co; no Bread Co coffee; no, no, no)
  • limit computer to one hour per day (read: no checking emails, FB, or blogging more than 1 hour. per day)
  • Love Dare

I'm not Catholic. I just believe God's sacrifice to me was so great that the least I can do is spend a few weeks sacrificing my coffee and my computer, and loving my husband as He first loved me.

I've given things up before --- Bread Co. tops the list. Yearly. (Guess where we are every Easter morning??) And one year, while pregnant, I gave up all sweets, including chocolate. That may have been a mistake. I made a LOT of cookies for my kids that Lent. Why do I do that?? Tempt myself unnecessarily??

What are you giving up for Lent?

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