Life is more than just a dash. More than a dash to the supermarket. More than a dash to finish dinner. More than a dash between two dates ...
Life is busy here at No.6 Cottage
(I smile inwardly, writing that).
Saturday JT and I spent an evening with his boss and co-workers, learning how to make incredibly tasty appetizers and enjoying a tour of their company's new building while my mom watched the kids at home.
Sunday we spent the afternoon at Busch Stadium eating countless hotdogs, pretzels, nachos, brats, and popcorn - all for just the $5 it cost to park! Hooray for Founders' Day tickets!
JT with the kids at the ballpark Sunday
Monday, I took my brood to the zoo because there was no school. It was the first time Sash refused to sit in the stroller, so all four kids ran haphazardly through the zoo in different directions ... ultimately all in the same direction, though, so that was good! I wandered behind, relishing that they all still enjoy hanging out with dear old Mom on their days off. I barely rememer those days of just two toddling around that same beloved spot ... Monday I took in the smells and the tastes and the moments and tried to memorize them. Gone in a flash. I feel fortunate to enjoy these times.

summer '05 - Pooks & T listen intently to the docent teach about spotted big cats
(I think that was Broken Arm #3, to anyone keeping track...)
On Monday Meiners takes care of big sis on the train
Last night we were finally able to put an offer on 'the house.' It's taken 8 months to return to this place. I almost don't care anymore. But I have diligently been praying that God would open or close doors based on what is best for our family. I don't know the way this will turn out - but He does - and in that, I find peace and contentment.

first 'posted' photo of "the house"
This weekend, we celebrate 11 years of marriage - and JT has planned a sweet time for us together while his parents enjoy some grandkid time.
October 4, 1998 - October 4, 2009 (+)
February - September
Monday - Friday
1 - 4
I thank God that my dash is being spent living a blessed life.