Fashionista Summer '09 (she does not come by this naturally)
I don't shop. Well, I mean I totally shop - for groceries, for new blogs, for books on photography, but I...ya know...don't shop. Maybe it's because I have four kids and more times than not I spend my time 'shopping' actually cajoling a child out of the clothes rack or to stop beat-dancing in the cart before it topples. Anyway, I don't end up buying a lot for myself. Except icee mochas. But that doesn't count, either.
Recently, I found a store. I love this store. Like love it love it. I could buy everything there. And the prices aren't ridiculous. And I want more stuff. From this store. But my envelope is empty. Or at least, there's only enough money in there to buy groceries. And really not even for that. Cuz there were just a few too many comfort-trips to the Bread Co for mac-n-cheese and salad last week (there's a Bread Co just a block from the hospital...and a mile from my house. But whatever.)
So this morning, I want fancy clothes and fancy food (made by someone else), but instead I sat down to write my online Bible study message to my online Bible study girls. Here's what I wrote:
My Bible verse is "It is better to be patient than powerful; it is better to have self-control than to conquer a city." (Proverbs 16:32 NLT)I'm writing this here so that I don't forget. I don't forget that I cleaned out my fridge today and don't have anything to feed the family, and yet there is food enough for every meal. I folded 6 loads of laundry and yet I apparently need more. ... ??
I'm lacking self control in the spending and in the speaking categories of my life lately. I don't buy things for myself very often, and have recently stumbled upon a store that actually fits my style to a T ... problem being that now I want to return and buy that other thing(s) and the math doesn't add up this envelope. Boo.
"We work to feed our appetites; Meanwhile our souls go hungry." (Ecclesiastes 6:7, The Message)
I pray that saying no to myself I will be reminded that "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." (Lamentations 3:24).
And tomorrow I'll deal with controlling my tongue.
God has provided me my portion. Indeed, more than enough. For that, I am grateful.