Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The DVR of Life
Or rewind?
Maybe choose an alternate ending? Watch deleted scenes?
Really, life doesn't always feel like a High School Musical. Why do Disney ...or Hollywood want us to think it should?
Now, that is not to say that life cannot be filled with joy and abundance. That is what He desires for us.
But it doesn't come from hitting pause. Or rewind.
It comes from knowing Him. Loving Him. Following Him.
Just push 'play.'
Lenten List
Here's my list, with God's help, and to Him be the glory...
- no eating out (read: no Bread Co; no Bread Co coffee; no, no, no)
- limit computer to one hour per day (read: no checking emails, FB, or blogging more than 1 hour. per day)
- Love Dare
I'm not Catholic. I just believe God's sacrifice to me was so great that the least I can do is spend a few weeks sacrificing my coffee and my computer, and loving my husband as He first loved me.
I've given things up before --- Bread Co. tops the list. Yearly. (Guess where we are every Easter morning??) And one year, while pregnant, I gave up all sweets, including chocolate. That may have been a mistake. I made a LOT of cookies for my kids that Lent. Why do I do that?? Tempt myself unnecessarily??
What are you giving up for Lent?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Overwhelming
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The Explanation
Today, our pastor shared with us that 'the laws' (10 Commandments) were not written for us to try to please God, but instead for us to follow until we reach the end of our means and realize we can't really make it without God.
98.8 is the percent of myself that I have discovered I am giving in an area that I truly and unequivocally should be giving 100% (or more...)
It came to me last week in a lightning strike. My women's Bible study is currently discussing Life Management for the Busy Woman. I am loving it. And one afternoon, as I sat in my husband's comfy leather chair in front of the roaring fire while three kids were at school and Little Sleepless in Sasha was actually napping, I worked diligently on my study. (What a blessing--- when will I have these moments again yet be in such a glorious season of my life with these little ones surrounding me?!) And I reached that part where David confesses his sins and asks that the Lord uncover the secret ones within his heart. And for the first time in my 35 years of life on this earth, I felt a sword pierce my heart and my breath escaped me in a sob.
And I realized.
I realized that I have been giving 98.8% of myself. And for years, I have had no idea. And it was devastating to realize why.
And then I saw the weaving that had begun months ago for all of this to come to me as it has. And I fell apart. That God would take my hand and slowly, methodically, lovingly walk me through to the place that would bring me here. To tonite.
And I love Him for it. And I thank God for the choices He has allowed me to make - and I step forward in faith with Him that I will be who I am supposed to be...everyday, with His help.
May God make it so.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Well, today you have. This one's for me, Girls.
Hey Grandpa!

Whoa, Pookie - say no to Botox, Girl!
Thanks, Pops! They're yummy :)
(and now you've been featured on my blog ;)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Life with 2 Dogs
Life with puppies is fun. And having two? Well, it's like having twins, right? Have a GINORMOUS preggo belly? Tell people you're having twins and STAND BACK! No, seriously, stand back. Cuz people will pet you. Your belly, anyway. And I'm not a puppy, people!!! Put two carseats with newborns in your WalMart shopping cart and run. I said RUN. Because people will chase you down to touch your babies. Fortunately for heart moms nowadays they have stickers you can put on your carseat that read: DON'T TOUCH MY BABY WITH YOUR GERMY FINGERS! (OK, it says something much sweeter - but that's what I always wanted to say...) But my point is attention! You get all kinds of attention! The kids walk the puppies and everyone's their best friend! The husband walks the puppies and girls of all ages swoon (I'm not bitter...).
Then those puppies turn into ... well, puppies in grown up bodies! Because everyone pretty much knows that golden retrievers have stunted maturation, right? Which basically means they stay puppies for a looooooooooooooong time.
Take, for instance, the afternoon I brought the puppies (well, they're as big as dogs now) home from their pleasant stay at the neutering joint (lovingly called the vet - he's currently in the Poconos after we funded the trip, but again, I digress).
Kind Mr. Vet patiently explains to the mom with two dogs and four kids clamoring around his tiny portal of an office, "Try to keep them calm. Don't let them fight. They need to be good dogs for about two weeks (after their procedure....) {oh good...I thought he was talking about the kids}. Here are some tranquilizers." I gave that doctor a once over. Were those meant for the kids or for me? OH!!! The dogs! Then I rolled my eyes and walked out. With every good intention of being the good dog mom. Good intentions, I tell you.
Before taking our half-drugged puppies home, I had to run one errand. On a busy highway south of our home.
Rewind. Have I told you that we have one good dog-puppy. And one not-so-good dog-puppy? My husband and I laugh - because we've had one good dog and one really not-so-good dog before. And God reincarnated those two dogs (if I believed in such a thing) into the form of these two brothers living with us currently. It's uncanny.
Fast forward. Running an errand. With the four kids and the two drugged dogs who are supposed to remain calm for two weeks riding along in the van. I open the door to run into the store. Bad Dog escapes. But he doesn't just escape. He leaps four paws in the air out of the driver's side door onto the icy pavement below. He careens several feet into the face of a cement curb. He doesn't miss a beat. He bounds up and takes off running down the highway after a truck. A four lane highway. A very big truck. My half-drugged freshly neutered dog-puppy.
I stand there. Paralyzed. What? What? What the - ? How much money did I just pay to have a chip strategically placed into your backside and your private parts removed? What?!?!
LUKE! I screamed. LUKE!
I half run out into the street before realizing cars are zooming past me in both directions. My dog/puppy weaving in and out of traffic at cheetah-like speeds, fruitlessly pursuing an uninterested vehicular love prospect.
When suddenly, he turned. He skidded to a stop. He turned his body lithely in the opposite direction from which he had been going. And now That dog had the goofiest, happiest, (drugged??) expression on his face that I had ever seen on a dog in my life. And that dog ran like it was dinnertime all. the. way. back. to. me. And then he sat. At my feet. Tongue hanging out. Panting.
And when I opened the door to the van, he climbed inside.
The end.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Me & the FB
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Fine Lines & Fragrance

I am burying myself in the Bible. At least, I'm trying to. Our church is diligently encouraging us to be in the Bible daily. Then, my sweet Wednesday Bible study group began this book last week, which further prompts daily, early morning communing with our Maker. And the kids were sent home with daily devotionals this past Sunday. So, I'm making the effort. My $1.99 book also came in the mail in the midst of all my internal and subsequent external conflict, as well. So, you'll note in my photo what I am sitting with currently. My mom brought the tulips. My sister-in-law planned the photo shoot with all the grandkids to celebrate my MIL's birthday, and this morning I framed the one we took of just our kids while Mother Earth fed Little Roo. And the candle, well, it's a cheap-o WalMart one that is setting the fragrance in my home. My home needs a new fragrance (as opposed to o'de'dawg that has begun to permeate in very bad ways...)
So, please forgive my apparent absence here again lately. I've been visiting, but haven't much to say for myself. I will answer my interview questions, Gramma; and I will definitely be sharing my take on Family Fragrance. Because it is one of those books you pass around to all your friends and take valuable insight from even after just the first few pages. Then, of course, you have to live it. And fail at it. And learn. And live it again.
Because that's life, after-all.
(Trial + Error) x Grace.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I cut 346 circles this week for 7 of these photo albums:

February is National Heart Defect Awareness Month. We take time this month to tell our doctors and nurses thank you. Along with heaping platters of cookies, brownies, and candies, these photo collages will serve to visually remind our beloved cardiologists, nurses, and ancillary staff at three local pediatric hospitals that we appreciate the jobs they do.
We also made plates for the perinatologists who often diagnose our children's heart defects before their birth, to affirm that early diagnosis leads to improved health of the baby at birth as well as increased success of initial heart surgeries.
Tags attached to the side of each photo identified the diagnosis as well as the child's age. The doctors may refer to these photos to bring hope to an expectant mom and dad with a newly diagnosed heart condition.
Thank you for being who you are, Friends.
Hope you enjoyed the photos!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I give 110%, too. Usually to about one thing per day, week, whatever the case may be. And for that period of time, absolutely everything else falls apart around me. The laundry. The hair I mean carpet. The parenting. Sometimes I wish I could be 4 again. And run wild down the halls and pee into a cup in the car because I insisted I did NOT have to go before we left five minutes ago, even though I was doing 'the happy dance' on my way out the door...(please remind me to wash that cup, about 4 times, since it is my favorite coffee-from-home cup...OK, add that to the WalMart list, which is the length of Kentucky right now, since I've been working on something else...)
I just wish I could give 110% to everything all the time. And that the things I worked on with 110% of my being turned out as though touched by the very hand of God. Golden. Yet, it is with imperfect hands that I touch. Perhaps for today, my hands will work good enough. That what they work on will turn out perfectly - or at least good enough. And that even the imperfections will satisfy me - and Him - 110%.
For today, that is my prayer.