Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Today I am several days behind in posting. I have race day pictures to share, funny kid stories, and even a little tale of disappointment. And yet, I have none of these stories in print for you. Perhaps, as I look ahead to another race just days away, I will use my time wisely and use the 'post later' option?


Instead, I'll spend just a few minutes telling you that we did not get 'the house.' I have to admit to just you and me that I am disappointed. Very disappointed. And when I think on it with more than a glimmer of grey power, I think I might cry. But, really, it's not even worth the salt. To move or not to move into the house was placed solidly into God's hands from the very beginning. And this was Him saying, "No." Not realtors or banks or the world. It was Him.
Really, I'm OK with that. I shared with my Bible study group last week that, since having Pookie (and Meiners), I've truly realized that life is full of suffering. If we just look around, we can see it everywhere. Not just miles away or on TV, but right next door and in our own lives. Things have been going very well for our family for a while now. I admitted that I've sort of been 'waiting' - waiting for the other shoe to drop. A wonderful mentor sitting next to me said, "Perhaps it already is. Perhaps you've been through or are going through something bigger than you even realize. But you handle it as if it were small because you've learned to lean on God." Well, that hit me. Because there have been issues that I've dealt with and have been dealing with and He's been helping, guiding, and even removing them. Even this, even whether to move or to stay - he's been helping, guiding, and removing that issue, too. So, I'm disappointed. But it's just an opportunity - for another new beginning. A new beginning every day, here in this house. With this sinner. With this believer.

So, I live here. And I continue to be blessed to make this my home. For now, at least.

Thanks God, for another one!

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