I stayed up way too late the night before putting finishing touches on the kids' Valentine's Day gifts! Using Photoshop, I created individual pieces of artwork for each child (modified from this Pinterest link), listing some of the things we love most about them right now, and capping it off with a life verse that seemed best for each of them.
I love how the projects turned out, and I sure appreciate that each kid took their framed artwork and found a special place for them in their rooms! My hope is that they'll reflect on these words when life gets hard in the years ahead and receive the mental and spiritual boost that the printed word can give. Framed Heart Attacks from their number one fans - Mom and Dad - nothing better than that!
I took another Pinterest idea to complete a gift for the man who already has everything. We've been blessed to take some truly fun and remarkable trips so far in our relationship from Jamaica to Ireland and several stateside, as well. Although I look forward to the days when we can travel a little more freely again, I sure love these current days just as much and wouldn't trade them for anything! Nonetheless, it seemed simply sentimental to put together a print of the places we've visited so far just the two of us ~ and the dates of those excursions.
It was fun to reminisce about some of these experiences while completing the project, and I received some valuable design advice from the twins who were home recovering from the stomach flu the day I finished it. Now, it hangs on the wall in our bedroom as witness to where we've been together and a promise for where we someday hope to go!
Then, of course, what Valentine's Day would be complete without some {heart}y food. We went hog wild yesterday on that lovely shape. Here are some of our favorites of the day!
It was a such great day. I'm so fortunate to be surrounded by some of the coolest kids imaginable, and hubby gave flowers and a shopping spree to buy some new running gear, so I have that to look forward to, too. I hope you, also, were able to make the day memorable one way or another!
Happy Heart Day!