Monday, February 20, 2012

The week the family went down.

Last week was crazy.  Early Sunday morning, T plopped into the middle of our bed and announced that he'd been sick in the bathroom for three hours.  I hadn't heard a peep of the poor kid, so we were pretty amazed when indeed he further demonstrated signs of the stomach flu.  He was down two days.

Monday morning Pooks woke up with the same scenario.  Down two days.

Wednesday morning, Sashi woke up.  Ditto.

Thursday morning = Meiners' Day.  And then the dad went down, too.

This girl prayed.  I prayed boldly and reeeeeeeaal hard.  (That's me giving the stomach flu the stink eye up there...)

Prayer and Stink Eye worked, cuz so far?  I am still standing tall.  Thank you Jesus.
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