We're slowly settling into our new routine. (OK, so it's Day 4 - but who's counting) I am actually embracing this new change! I am excited about the opportunities facing us this school year. The opportunities to champion my little ones to karate and dance and boy scouts and music lessons and ... and ... the school wants how much $$ to teach my almost 7 year-old how to make movies? Whoa. After-school activities sure have gotten a whole lot fancier since the time I was in school. Nothing on earth makes me feel as old as walking through my child's elementary school and recalling the days of my own youth. Seriously. Even the words I just typed sound antique. And I'm not old, people (until I look in the mirror and realize I don't look like I think I do in my head). Do you ever do that? Just walk past the bathroom and glance unwittingly toward the mirror on the opposite wall and stop short in your tracks, wondering who the stranger is staring back at you?
Maybe it's just me.