Oh, I still covet that house. And I dream of it. Often. It's ONLY problem, seriously was the TOO HUGE master bedroom (HELLO? ...HELLO? ...hello? ...hello? Honey - are you in here ...in here ...in here...) and for whatever inane reason a too small dining room. (But hey, it HAD a dining room, which is more room than this house has!) But I LOVE this house (OK, it's the backyard I love. And all the fixing-up we've done inside. It basically IS a new home after all my husband's handiwork!) I don't want to move. Ever. (Have I ever told you I have issues with change?)
So, I'm organizing. Really, because it MUST be done. We cannot live like this. I won't live like this. (My husband won't, either!) I'm doing one project at a time. Well, really, I have about 5 or 6 going at any given time, but not only do I not like change, I also don't have a long attention span, and I quickly grow tired of one activity and move onto another for a while. Then I don't ever really get back to the first one, and, well, it's a cycle, guys. I'm just saying.
So, here's my hall linen closet. It's really the ONLY closet, but we'll call it the linen closet just for fun. And because I got waaay carried away before I realized what I was doing, just imagine (I know it's hard to imagine SUCH clutter, but try) a whole load of towels SHOVED into that middle space before I stopped and shot the photo. Again, YES I AM EMBARRASSED TO SHOW YOU THIS. But I INSIST upon keepin' it real, Folks!
So, here's the sort-of-in-the-middle-of-demo-before:
And here's the after:

I had to shoot it with flash because it's just such a small, dark space. But, just imagine a pretty pale blue on the walls (vs. the ELECTRIC blue you see here). I used a power drill, Baby. I'm feeling pretty good about this one. And I promise to keep it simple. Forever. Amen.