Monday, January 26, 2009


Tonite, I peeked into my little girl's room, and I saw this:

I had to stop. I had to rest a while with my baby. And reflect on the beauty of this. It's snowing. I love this. I love it when it snows at night and you can look out across the world and see everything. As if it were day.
Ah. To see things so clearly in other ways.

I paused. And I reflected on the snow. And I reflected on life. In my mind's eye, I see the windows of my elementary school. And just beyond the reflection of the glass to the outside. Snow. "Snow! It's snowing!" You'd start to hear the murmurings begin as the flakes drifted softly to the ground, and then full fledged exclamations and children clamoring across desks to get sight of the beauty as the sky continued unleashing its frozen beauty. Young eyes lit up, like the streets on a snowy night, with the anticipation of a snow day tomorrow!

One of my very favorite memories of my lifetime is that of sitting on the second floor of the music building in college, looking out the wall-sized picture window to the street below, slowing being enveloped in fluffy white crystals. The beauty and the memory take my breath away even all these years later. As I walk past my baby looking out her bedroom window. At the snowflakes falling "by the quillions," she gushed. Will this be a memory she keeps for a lifetime? Will this be a moment she remembers?

I know it will be for me.
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