Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Moment We've All Been Waiting for...



I love this idea of labeling the laundry baskets with our initials --- I fold a shirt, I place it in the basket, the basket goes upstairs after a load or two, the appropriate family member empties the basket (namely, NOT me), and the basket returns to the shelf! I've actually thought a looooooong time about how to improve my laundry situation. Having it cascade in giant heaps out of my closet door and onto my bedroom floor just wasn't working any more. Now I've resolved to wash, dry, and fold at least one load per day.

I really only foresee one problem with the entire design.

See the canine booty right there in the corner? That's Luke. Remember him, all cute and cuddly a few months ago??

He already looks a little guilty to me.


Yeah. I'm thinking the cat food would go better over here.

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